- COVID-19: COVID19: AIRO resources for emergency
- Working in Operations Research
- Job offers in industry and academia
- List of Operations Research companies in Italy
- Formation in Operations Research
- Ph.D. Programs in Operations Research in Italy
- AIRO Conferences
What is Operations Research?
Operations Research studies, designs and employs Mathematical Models, Quantitative Methods, advanced Software tools, Simulation, Stochastic Programming and other analytical techniques to address and solve complex problems and identify their solutions. Operations Research is applied, for example, in Logistics and Transport, Finance, Human Resources Management, Health Services Management, Telecommunications, Planning, Industrial Design, Data Mining and Bio-informatics.
AIRO published in 2017 a volume of examples of successful applications of Operations Research in Italy: OR Applications 2017.
What is AIRO?
AIRO, the Italian Association of Operations Research, aims to develop Operations Research and its applications in Italy. With reference to this discipline, AIRO:
- promotes and encourages its dissemination and teaching, in particular through Operations Research Courses and a dedicated thematic section;
- works for the recognition of the role and professional qualification of the operations researcher;
- promotes scientific research and the establishment of research groups and projects;
- promotes collaboration between PhD students and young researchers working in Operational Research through the AIROYoung section;
- promotes specific publications of scientific and dissemination character;
- promotes congresses, seminars, workshops and schools;
- handles the exchange of information and relations with EURO (Association of European Operations Research Societies) and IFORS (International Federation of Operations Research Societies), of which it is a member, also through the stipulation of conventions with these bodies.
AIRO has about 300 members, representing universities, research centres and companies. Moreover, since May 2024, AIRO has taken over the representation of the disciplinary field MATH-06/A – Operations Research, which was previously represented by CIRO (Centro Interuniversitario per la Ricerca Operativa).
In order to contact AIRO, send an e-mail to AIRO President or to Secretariat, only for administrative matters.