AIRO aims at promoting Operations Research and its applications in Italy. Becoming an AIRO member allows to partecipate to the Assembly of the Associates, have access to all the services provided by the association, and get discounts on conferences fee and scientific journals subscription.
Services reserved to the AIRO memebers:
- Fee discount for the ODS – Optimisation and Decision Science conference;
- Subcription to 4OR scientific journal;
- Discounts for articles on Springer journals;
- Opportunity to join the AIRO chapters;
- Opportunity to partecipate to Operations Research promotion activities.
The memebership fee is annual, and it may be subscripted currently to the ODs conference registration, or following the procedure described below.
Become a member
To become an AIRO member for the first time or to make renewing your membership, let follow the following three steps:
1. Pay the membership fee
Payment by bank transfer, here the details of the AIRO bank account:
Account holder name: AIRO – Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa
Bank: Intesa SanPaolo SpA
IBAN: IT14 I030 6909 6061 0000 0174 295
Payment reference/description: Iscrizione {{NAME}} {{SURNAME}} socio {{YEAR}}
AIRO Fiscal Code: 80043190109
The fee amounths vary depending on the type of membership, see Section “Membership Types and Fees” below.
2. Send the subscription model
In order to complete the registration, please fill in the registration form
3. Log in to the website
After compiling the subcription model, you’ll receive your log in credentials
Membership types and Fees
Individual membership
- Ordinary Membership: € 100,00;
- Junior (up to 30 years old) or Retiree Membership: € 30,00;
- Honorary Membership and Fellow: € 0,00.
Group/Corporate membership
- Big-sized company: € 600,00;
- Medium-sized company: € 450,00;
- Small-sized company or non profit association: € 300,00.
NB: members of other FIMA associations will receive a reduction of 10% on the AIRO annual membership fee.
Membership category
The By right members are professors and researchers in the academic discipline “Operations Research” (MATH-06/A) and the researchers of public institutions in the field of Operations Research defined by the executive committee. Ordinary members are natural or juridical people that do not belong to the previous category.