History of the association

AIRO (Italian Association of Operations Research) was founded on April 20, 1961 by a group of Scholars, Technicians and Industrial Managers gathered to represent important public and private companies, university institutes, research bodies, ministries and ISTAT (the deed can be consulted).

Numerous national associations, including AIRO, participate today in the EURO (Association of European Operational Research Societies) founded in 1975.

Since September 2015, AIRO has assumed the representation of the disciplinary sector MATH-06/A Operations Research which was previously represented by the CIRO (Interuniversity Center for Operations Research).

AIRO also adheres to IFORS (International Federation of Operational Research Societies) and develops joint actions with other Italian Scientific Associations (AICA, AICE, AILOG, AISRE, AMASES, ANIPLA, SIMAI, UMI).

Today AIRO has about 300 individual members and some collective members: companies, institutions and university departments.

4OR is the Association’s official magazine, published together with the Belgian and French National Operational Research Associations. Additionally, there is the AIRO-Springer Series which publishes contribution resulting from events and activities carried out by AIRO.

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