From 2016, AIRO collects information about Operations Research courses in Italian universities started from the data provided by CIRO. The aim is to provide a detailed overview of Operations Research teaching activities in the whole Italy. Data collection started in the Academic year 2015/2016 and they are updated each year.
With this aim, in each university, a supervisor, in charge for collecting data, has been designated. Moreover, geographical area supervisors have been appointed and coordinateD by Prof. Antonio Sforza.
Academic year 2015/16 (Only in italian)
- Report
- Dara from geographical areas (updated 16/1/2017)
- North Italy, supervisor Daniela Favaretto
- Centre Italy, supervisor Alessandro Agnetis
- South Italy, supervisor Antonio Sforza
- Trieste assembly initial report
In order to update or correct data, please contact the area supervisor.